VBA Text Function

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Steve Rynearson

Last updated on February 8, 2023

This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the Text Function in VBA.

The Text function is used in an Excel worksheet to return a portion of a string in a specified format. The Text function is not a VBA function, but can be used in VBA by referring to the Worksheet Function object.


The syntax in VBA would therefore be as follows:

=WorksheetFunction.Text (Arg1, Arg2)

where Arg1 is the original string and Arg2 is the format of the string we want returned.

Sub TestWSFunction()
  Dim dte As String
  Dim strD As String
  dte = "08/05/2021"
  strD= WorksheetFunction.Text(dte, "mmmm")
  MsgBox strD 
End Sub

In the above example, the string variable dte is storing a date.  The Text function then returns the month portion of the date.

VBA Text ReturnMonth

Formatting Numbers with the Text Function

We can use the text function to format numbers in our VBA code.

Sub FormatCurrency()
  Dim strNum As String
  Dim strFormat As String
  strNum = "75896.125"
  strFormat = WorksheetFunction.Text(strNum, "$#,##0.00")
  MsgBox strFormat
End Sub

The string returned in the above example would be $75,896.13.

VBA Text ReturnCurrency

Other examples of number formatting using the Text Function are:

=WorksheetFunction.Text(75896.125, "0")
this will return: "75896"

=WorksheetFunction.Text(75896.125, "0.0")
this will return: "75896.1"

=WorksheetFunction.Text(75896.125, "#,##0")
this will return: "75,896"

However, Excel does have a built in VBA function that we can use instead of the Text function if we wish to format dates and numbers within VBA. This is known as the Format function.

The VBA Format Function

Taking the example above, rather than using WorksheetFunction.Text, we can just use the Format Function to achieve the same results.

=Format(75896.125, "0")
 this will return: "75896" 

=Format(75896.125, "0.0") 
this will return: "75896.1" 

=Format(75896.125, "#,##0") 
this will return: "75,896"

Similarly, we  can use the Format Function to format date portions of a string.

Sub TestFormatFunction() 
Dim dte As String 
Dim strD As String
 dte = "08/05/2021" 
 strD= Format(dte, "mmmm") 
 MsgBox strD 
End Sub

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