How to Remove (or Select) All Pictures / Objects From an Excel Workbook

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on August 3, 2023

This tutorial will show you how to remove all the images in an Excel workbook or worksheet at once.Pictures SelectAll

Select / Remove all Images from Worksheet

1. To select all the images in your Excel worksheet, choose Home> Find & Select > Go to Special from the ribbon.

Pictures GoToSpeical

2. Select Objects, and then click OK.


Pictures GoToSpecial Objects

All objects (images) in the active worksheet are selected.

Pictures GoToSpecial SelectAll

3. Press Delete.

Remove All Images in Workbook with AutoMacro

The easiest way to delete all images from an Excel file is with our add-in AutoMacro for Excel.delete all shapes excel workbook

With AutoMacro for Excel, you can automate tedious Excel tasks with just a few simple clicks.

You can even add buttons to run automations.

delete all objects workbook example
Learn More!

Remove all Images in Workbook – Other Ways

Without an add-in there are two ways to remove all images from an Excel Workbook:

  1. Repeat the steps outlined in the first section for each worksheet in your Excel file.
  2. Use VBA to quickly delete all shapes (see below).

Delete Objects with VBA

We can also delete all pictures with a VBA loop.

Sub DeletePictures()
   Dim oPic As Shape
   Dim wb As Workbook
   Dim ws As Worksheet
   'Loop through all worksheets
   For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
   'Loop through all objects in the selected worksheet
      For Each oPic In ws.Shapes
      'Delete object
      Next oPic
   Next ws
End Sub

1. In Excel, press ALT + F11 on the keyboard to switch to the VBE (Visual Basic Editor).

2. Select Insert > Module from the menu.

Pictures VBA Module

3. Enter the above code into the module window.

PIctures VBA Code

4. Make sure you have clicked inside your sub procedure, and then click Run or press F5 on the keyboard to execute the code.Pictures VBA Run Code

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