Create Date Range from Two Dates – Excel & Google Sheets

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Reviewed by

Steve Rynearson

Last updated on February 6, 2023
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This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a date range from two dates.

Create Date Range Main Function

Date as Text

The first step to creating a date range from two dates is to convert a date to text using the TEXT Function. The TEXT Function can convert dates into many different formats, but we’ll focus on two.

M/D/YYYY Format




=TEXT(B3,"mmmm d, yyyy")

mmmm d yyyy

Create Date Range

We can concatenate (join) two dates stored as text using the & operator:

=TEXT(B3, "m/d/yyyy") & "  to " & TEXT(C3, "m/d/yyyy")

Create Date Range

This is useful for an event start and end date, but what if the second date is missing (ex. the event is only one day):

C3 Missing

To avoid the erroneous ” to ” if the second date is missing, we can use an If Statement to test if the second date exists before adding it to the string:

=TEXT(B3, "m/d/yyyy") & IF(C3<>"", " to " & TEXT(C3, "m/d/yyyy"), "")

SEC Day Missing

You can also handle if the first date is missing:

=IF(B3<>"",TEXT(B3, "m/d/yyyy")&" to " &TEXT(C3, "m/d/yyyy"),TEXT(C3,"m/d/yyyy") )

First Day Missing

Create Date Range from Two Dates in Google Sheets

All of the above examples work exactly the same in Google Sheets as in Excel.

Create Date Range Google

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