Code Library

AutoMacro’s Code Library contains hundreds of professionally developed code examples that can be inserted with a simple mouse click:

vba code library

The menus are found here:

code library

You can add your own code to the library here:

custom code library menu

Code For Excel

The Excel code library the following code menus (and more):


The Objects menu is where you’ll find simple code examples for common tasks you’ll perform on Ranges, Rows & Columns, Sheets, and Workbooks.

vba objects code


The settings menu contains common VBA / Excel settings you may want to use when writing VBA code.

code library settings


The files menu contains functions and code examples for working with Files. Additionally it contains the File Processing Builder.

Dates and Times

The DateTime menu contains code for working with dates and times in VBA.


The Events menu contains event macros that run when certain “events” are triggered (exs. Workbook open, Sheet activation).

Functions and Utilities

The Utility menu contains functions for common VBA tasks.

Code for Access, Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint

AutoMacro contains code for Access, Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint as well.

vba powerpoint code library
word vba code library
outlook vba code library
access vba code library
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